Jt65 on 60 meters
Jt65 on 60 meters

jt65 on 60 meters
  1. Jt65 on 60 meters mods#
  2. Jt65 on 60 meters license#

r/amateurradio is on discord check it out Want to make contact with other /r/amateurradio members? Join us on IRC for net and/or sked coordination. We will strive to maintain a fair, inclusive, and positive atmosphere, but we can't please all of the people, all of the time.Ĭlick here for the complete rules. This allows users to filter them if they chooseĩ.

Jt65 on 60 meters mods#

Mods will remove posts and comments at their discretion for violating this.Ĩ. Posts containing blatant or intentionally illegal or malicious content may be removed at the moderators' discretion.ħ. This includes callsign if they don't have it publicly displayed!ĥ. Do not post another user's personal information. Callsigns displayed must be your own callsigns.Ĥ. Keep flair SFW and applicable to the hobby. Do not spam your product, website, blog, YouTube channel or other personal project.ģ.

jt65 on 60 meters

No personal attacks, hate speech or discriminatory remarks allowed.Ģ. We ask that you review the FAQs and our Wiki before asking any questions as they may have already been answered multiple times.ġ.We have created a FAQ page to help with common questions on this sub.All topics relating to the hobby are welcome here, from purchasing and building equipment, to operating techniques and activities, and everything in between.

Jt65 on 60 meters license#

If you are wondering what Amateur Radio is about, it's basically a two way radio service where licensed operators throughout the world experiment and communicate with each other on frequencies reserved for license holders.

  • Welcome to Reddit's own amateur (ham) radio club.
  • Please read our FAQs before posting | Save "I Just Got Licensed" threads for Monday's Sticky| Welcome!

    Jt65 on 60 meters